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Stone Crushing Plant


Stone Crushing Plant

In mines and quares, stones and rocks of different sizes are broken to obtain small stones or sand. The installations that carry out this process are called crushing plant. A crushing plat has differnt stations (primary, secondary, tertiary, ...) where different crushing, selection and transport cycles are done in order to obtain different stone sizes or the required graulometry. With tis process, the aggregate used for mortars and asphalt elaboraton is obtained. A crushing plant is based in the next main elements:

synoptic of a crushing plant

Stone Crushing Plant features

  • Feeders: These machines feed the jaw and impact crusher with te rocks and stones to be crushed.

  • Jaw Crusher and impact Crusher: These are the machines where the rocks ad stones are crushed. There are different types of crushers for different types of rocks and stones and different sizes of te input and outut material. Each plant would incorporate one or sever crushing machines depending on the required final material (small stones or sand).

  • Vibraton screens: These machines arre used to separete the different sizes of the material obtained by the crushers.

  • Conveyor belts: These elemets are the belts used for transportation of the material from one machine to another during different phases of process.

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